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AWS Lambda (Free Friendly)


Coherence, based on the open-source cnc framework, offers you choices in the architecture your app will use to deploy to AWS. Each architecture has a different goal in terms of trade-offs between cost, compliance, scale, and complexity. Unlike a "black box" platform, usingcnc you're able to customize these deployments further based on your needs, giving you total control.

lambda-lite is a free-friendly AWS reference architecture that will use serverless deployments to provide a low-cost footprint. Some services do cost money per-month and with enough scale and usage Lambda and Dynamo will have some cost, but this is a hobby-friendly deployment that is easy to use and versatile. You can read more about expected costs here.

If you use an RDS instance, you'll connect over the public IP using the internet. This is to avoid the costs of VPC networking with lambdas, such as a NAT Router and Internet Gateway. These features are available in the ECS architecture, which also supports lambdas, if you want them. You can also use 3rd party database hosts such as Supabase, neon, or PlanetScale.

Resources Used


  • Lambda Function URLs are used to provide HTTP(S) endpoints for your Lambda functions, removing the need for an API Gateway.

Serverless Compute

  • AWS Lambda is used as the primary compute service for running your application code.
    • Lambda functions are deployed with configurable runtime and handler settings.
    • VPC configuration is applied to Lambda functions for network isolation and security.
    • Lambda Function URLs are created to provide direct HTTP access to your functions.

Data Storage

  • DynamoDB is used as the primary database service.
    • Tables are created with configurable settings such as billing mode, read/write capacity, and global secondary indexes.
    • Point-in-time recovery and TTL can be enabled on tables as needed.

Build & Deploy

  • The build process involves creating a ZIP file of your Lambda function code.
  • Deployment updates the Lambda function code and configuration, including environment variables.

Observability & Monitoring

  • CloudWatch Logs are configured for Lambda functions to enable logging and monitoring.

Security & Configuration

  • IAM Roles and Policies are created to provide necessary permissions to Lambda functions.
    • Roles are created with permissions to access DynamoDB, CloudWatch logs, and other specified AWS services.
  • Secrets Manager can be used to store sensitive environment variables.

Default Tags

For convenience and auditability, CNC adds default tags to all cloud resources where applicable:

    tags = {
        Name = "<resource-specific-name>"
        Environment = "your-collection-name"
        ManagedBy = "cnc"
        Application = "your-application-name"

Key Features

  1. Serverless Architecture: Utilizes AWS Lambda for a truly serverless application, enabling automatic scaling and pay-per-use pricing.
  2. Simplified API Access: Lambda Function URLs provide direct HTTP(S) access to your functions without the need for API Gateway.
  3. DynamoDB Integration: Offers a serverless database solution that scales automatically with your application needs.
  4. Customizable Configurations: Allows for easy customization of Lambda function settings, DynamoDB table configurations, and more through cnc.yml and environments.yml files.


  • Cold Starts: Be aware of potential cold start times for Lambda functions, especially when running within a VPC.
  • DynamoDB Costs: While DynamoDB offers a generous free tier, be mindful of read/write capacity settings and consider using on-demand pricing for unpredictable workloads.
  • Function Limits: Be aware of AWS Lambda limits such as execution time, memory, and concurrent executions.

Getting Started

Here's an example app that you can put at in alongside the following cnc.yml and environments.yml to get started:

import json
import boto3
import os
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

# Initialize DynamoDB client and resource
dynamodb_client = boto3.client("dynamodb")
dynamodb_resource = boto3.resource("dynamodb")
table_name = os.environ['DYNAMODB_TABLE']
table = dynamodb_resource.Table(table_name)

def ensure_attribute_exists(attribute_name, attribute_type):
        response = dynamodb_client.describe_table(TableName=table_name)
        existing_attributes = [
            attr["AttributeName"] for attr in response["Table"]["AttributeDefinitions"]

        if attribute_name not in existing_attributes:
                    {"AttributeName": attribute_name, "AttributeType": attribute_type},
                        "Create": {
                            "IndexName": f"{attribute_name}-index",
                            "KeySchema": [
                                {"AttributeName": attribute_name, "KeyType": "HASH"},
                            "Projection": {"ProjectionType": "ALL"},
                            "ProvisionedThroughput": {
                                "ReadCapacityUnits": 5,
                                "WriteCapacityUnits": 5,
            print(f"Added attribute {attribute_name} to the table schema")
    except ClientError as e:
        print(f"Error updating table schema: {str(e)}")

def handler(event, context):
    # Ensure 'message' and 'timestamp' attributes exist
    ensure_attribute_exists("message", "S")
    ensure_attribute_exists("timestamp", "N")

    # Generate a unique ID for our item
    unique_id = context.aws_request_id

    # Item to be written to DynamoDB
    item = {
        "UserID": unique_id,
        "message": f"Hello from Lambda! Your request ID is {unique_id}",
        "timestamp": str(context.get_remaining_time_in_millis()),
        "var_type": os.environ.get("type"),

        # Write the item to DynamoDB

        # Retrieve the item from DynamoDB
        response = table.get_item(Key={"UserID": unique_id})

        if "Item" in response:
            retrieved_item = response["Item"]
            return {
                "statusCode": 200,
                "body": json.dumps(retrieved_item),
                "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
            return {
                "statusCode": 404,
                "body": json.dumps("Item not found"),
                "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
    except ClientError as e:
        print(f"Error: {str(e)}")
        return {
            "statusCode": 500,
            "body": json.dumps(f"Error interacting with DynamoDB: {str(e)}"),
            "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"},

To use this flavor, specify lambda-lite as your flavor in the environments.yml file:

name: my-serverless-app
provider: aws
flavor: lambda-lite
version: 1

- name: dev
  region: us-east-1
  account_id: "123456789012"
  - name: staging
    - name: ENVIRONMENT
      value: staging

In your cnc.yml, define your Lambda function and DynamoDB table:

      type: serverless
      handler: "index.handler"
      runtime: "python3.11"
      context: .

      type: dynamodb
      billing_mode: "PAY_PER_REQUEST" # optional, can also be "PROVISIONED", default is PAY_PER_REQUEST
      hash_key: "UserId" # optional, any key
      read_capacity: 5 # optional, default 5
      write_capacity: 5 # optional, default 5
      table_class: "STANDARD" # optional, default "STANDARD", can be "STANDARD_INFREQUENT_ACCESS"
      deletion_protection_enabled: "true" # optional, default is "false"

With this configuration, CNC will set up a Lambda function with a Function URL for HTTP access, a DynamoDB table, and the necessary networking and security configurations to connect them securely.