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Use without GitHub


Coherence is designed to seamlessly integrate with GitHub, offering native support through webhooks and automated environment creation and deployment processes. However, Coherence's versatility extends beyond GitHub, allowing users to leverage its powerful features with various Git hosting services or even without a Git repository altogether.

This guide will walk you through using Coherence with alternative Git providers such as Bitbucket and GitLab, as well as scenarios where you might not use Git at all. We'll cover setup, workflow, and provide specific examples for different CI/CD platforms.

Why Use Coherence with Non-GitHub Providers?

While Coherence works natively with GitHub, many organizations use alternative version control systems or have custom workflows. Coherence's flexibility allows you to:

  • Maintain your existing version control setup
  • Integrate Coherence into diverse CI/CD pipelines
  • Utilize Coherence's powerful environment management and deployment features regardless of your source control, or without source control
  • Leverage Coherence's managed container registry across various platforms or services


Before diving into specific workflows, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Docker Installation: Your Docker install must be authenticated to your managed registry. Most CI platforms provide images/steps that do this automatically.
  • Coherence CLI (cocli) Installation:

  • Install cocli by following the instructions in the cocli GitHub repository.

  • Set up authentication by creating an access token in your Coherence user profile and setting it as an environment variable:

    • export COHERENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN="your-access-token-here"
    • Coherence Service Configuration:
  • Set up your services using the "Other" container source mode in the Coherence UI.

  • other-container-source-mode
  • Use the Coherence-managed image registry URL in the "Image" field for your service configuration.

General Workflow

The general workflow for using Coherence with non-GitHub providers involves these steps:

  1. Create an environment using cocli
  2. Build and push a Docker image using cnc
  3. Deploy the image tag to your infrastructure using cocli
  4. Archive the environment when it's no longer needed using cocli

Let's break down each step below. For general cocli docs read more here: docs. Notable/useful commands for the below:

  • Get your application ID: cocli apps list | jq '.data[] | select(.name == "APP_NAME")'
  • Get your collection ID: cocli collections list --app_id APPID | jq '.data[] | select(.name == "COLLECTION_NAME")'
  • Get your environment ID: cocli collections list --app_id APPID | jq '.data[] | select(.name == "COLLECTION_NAME") | .latest_infra_config.valid_environments[] | select(.name == "ENVIRONMENT_NAME") | .id

1. Create an Environment

Use the following cocli command to create a new environment:

cocli environments create --name <environment_name> --collection_id <collection_id> [--type <deployment_type>] [--clone_environment_id <id>] [--clone_services_from_environment_id <id>] [--clone_service_infos name1=branch1,name2=branch2]

2. Build and Push Docker Image

Get your managed registry URL from the edit service form after you've run the provision task at least once.


Build and push the image to this registry for each environment. You can add additional docker tags to an existing build process.

docker build -t $MANAGED_REPO_URL:$IMAGE_TAG .

To authenticate to the managed repo, see the docs for your cloud provider.

3. Deploy to the Environment

Deploy your new image to the environment:

cocli environments deploy $ENV_ID '{
  "services": [
      "name": "SERVICE_NAME",
      "commit_sha": "IMAGE_TAG"
  "configure_infra": false

4. Archive the Environment

When you're done with the environment, archive it:

cocli environments edit $ENV_ID --status archived

CI/CD Integration Examples

Now, let's look at how to integrate this workflow into popular CI/CD platforms.

GitLab CI/CD Example

For GitLab, you'll need to add the COHERENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN as a CI/CD variable in your project or group settings. Then, update the .gitlab-ci.yml file as follows:

  - build
  - deploy

  APP_NAME: "Your App Name"
  COLLECTION_NAME: "production"
  ENV_NAME: "main"
  SERVICE_NAME: "your-service-name"

  stage: build
  image: docker:latest
    - docker:dind
    - apk add --no-cache curl jq
    - curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/cocli
    - chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cocli
    - export IMAGE_TAG="$CI_COMMIT_SHA"
    - docker build -t $MANAGED_REPO_URL:$IMAGE_TAG .
    - docker push $MANAGED_REPO_URL:$IMAGE_TAG

  stage: deploy
  image: alpine:latest
    - apk add --no-cache curl jq
    - curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/cocli
    - chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cocli
    - APP_ID=$(cocli apps list | jq -r '.[] | select(.title=="$APP_NAME") | .id')
    - COLLECTION_ID=$(cocli collections list -a $APP_ID | jq -r '.data[] | select(.name=="$COLLECTION_NAME") | .id')
    - ENV_ID=$(cocli environments list -c $COLLECTION_ID | jq -r '.data[] | select(.name=="$ENV_NAME") | .id')
    - cocli environments deploy $ENV_ID '{
        "services": [
            "name": "$SERVICE_NAME",
            "commit_sha": "$CI_COMMIT_SHA"
        "configure_infra": false

To add the COHERENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN as a CI/CD variable in GitLab: 1. Go to your project's Settings > CI/CD > Variables 2. Add a new variable with the key COHERENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN and the value being your Coherence access token 3. Make sure to mask this variable and only allow it in protected branches if necessary

Bitbucket Pipelines Example

For Bitbucket, you'll need to add the COHERENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN as a repository variable. Then, update the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file as follows:

image: atlassian/default-image:3

    - variables:
      APP_NAME: "Your App Name"
      COLLECTION_NAME: "production"
      ENV_NAME: "main"
      SERVICE_NAME: "your-service-name"
    - step:
        name: Build and Push
          - docker
          - curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/cocli
          - chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cocli
          - export COHERENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN=$COHERENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN  # Use the repository variable
          - export IMAGE_TAG="$BITBUCKET_COMMIT"
          - docker build -t $MANAGED_REPO_URL:$IMAGE_TAG .
          - docker push $MANAGED_REPO_URL:$IMAGE_TAG
    - step:
        name: Deploy
          - curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/cocli
          - chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cocli
          - export COHERENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN=$COHERENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN  # Use the repository variable
          - APP_ID=$(cocli apps list | jq -r '.[] | select(.title=="$APP_NAME") | .id')
          - COLLECTION_ID=$(cocli collections list -a $APP_ID | jq -r '.data[] | select(.name=="$COLLECTION_NAME") | .id')
          - ENV_ID=$(cocli environments list -c $COLLECTION_ID | jq -r '.data[] | select(.name=="$ENV_NAME") | .id')
          - cocli environments deploy $ENV_ID '{
              "services": [
                  "name": "$SERVICE_NAME",
                  "commit_sha": "$BITBUCKET_COMMIT"
              "configure_infra": false

To add the COHERENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN as a repository variable in Bitbucket: 1. Go to your repository's Settings > Repository variables 2. Add a new variable with the name COHERENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN and the value being your Coherence access token 3. Make sure to mark this variable as secured to keep it hidden in logs

By adding these details, we ensure that the Coherence access token is securely handled in both GitLab and Bitbucket CI/CD configurations. This approach keeps the token out of the repository itself and allows for secure usage in the pipelines.


By leveraging Coherence's CLI and flexible deployment options, you can integrate Coherence into your existing workflows regardless of your Git provider or CI/CD platform. This approach allows you to benefit from Coherence's powerful environment management and deployment features while maintaining your preferred development tools and processes.

Remember to secure your Coherence access token and other sensitive information by using your CI/CD platform's secrets management features. Always refer to the latest Coherence documentation and cocli help commands for the most up-to-date information on available options and best practices.