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In Coherence, each environment is automatically assigned a unique subdomain based on the environment name. For example, the URL for a staging environment may be

A cropped screenshot shows the homepage for an environment named "staging" and highlights the word "staging" in the environment domain.

Custom subdomains

In Coherence, you can host multiple environments under a single custom domain by configuring subdomains for each cloud project. Subdomains allow you to create a unique URL for each environment, making it easier to access and manage your applications.

Adding a subdomain

To add a new custom subdomain to your environment, follow these steps:

A cropped screenshot shows the "Add a custom subdomain" dialog.

  1. On the environment homepage, navigate to the Custom domains tab.
  2. Enter the domain name you want to use for the environment.
  3. Click Add domain to save the changes.
  4. Update your DNS settings to point the subdomain to the Coherence environment.